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  • You have not put any content on your website.
  • Your provider has suspended this page.

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New to Plesk?

With Plesk Onyx, we put the web developers in the spotlight. We understand the many requirements of modern web development and come to the rescue with RubyOnRails support, Git integration, and the ability to quickly deploy specific services required by your latest project in the form of Docker containers. Of course, we did not forget about traditional hosters as well, who will be pleased with our Plesk Updates Manager, new PHP-related functionality, improved SSL management, and many other features.

To give you and your customers the ability to create, update, secure, and manage WordPress websites with just a few clicks, Plesk presents the new and improved WordPress Toolkit 2.0 extension.

In WordPress Toolkit 2.0, we have added a number of hot new features aimed at Web Pros to help them make working with staging websites and synchronizing changes between different WordPress websites a breeze. Here is what you can do:

  • Create a perfect copy of your WordPress website in a matter of seconds.
  • Copy changes made to the files and the database from one WordPress website to another.
  • Effortlessly import WordPress websites hosted elsewhere into Plesk and manage them using WordPress Toolkit.
  • Gain a fine degree of control by running WP-CLI commands directly from the command-line interface.
  • Get to the bottom of any issue. A flexible suite of options allows you to enable individual aspects of WordPress debugging.
  • If your WordPress website is not yet ready for the prime time, make it invisible to search engines by disabling indexing.
  • Stay up-to-date by configuring WordPress Toolkit to automatically install all WordPress updates, security updates only, or no updates at all.

Test pages

Parallels Plesk Panel provides several test pages that you can use for checking the scripting features, testing database connections and mail sending. Click an icon to see test pages for different scripts: